| Trying to Improve on God’s Plan
- When God tells us exactly how to change the world and bring his Kingdom of peace and justice to the ends of the earth . . . we’re very quick to try and come up with something better. |
 | The Empty Tomb - What happened on Good Friday changes everything. |
 | Just Some Guy Up There - The reason some people find the Church to be a racket is the very reason it’s such an amazing gift from God. |
 | Hoppers, Shoppers, and Disciples - Shopping is a necessity in life, but what the world is “church shopping?”
 | Help Yourself - What should churches be focusing on during worship and preaching time? What do we have to offer that the world does not?
 | Who Sets the Menu? - Should mature Christians be providing their own spiritual nourishment? Or is that the church’s job?
 | The Next New Thing Will Save Me - Why trying to stay ahead of the curve with spiritual fads will inevitably lead to spiritual burnout.
Prayer Changes Things . . . Or Does It? - If God is sovereign and eternal, how can my prayers make any difference? |
Ordinary Time - As amazing as mountain-top spiritual experiences can be, we’re called to serve God just as fervently in the ordinary times between. |
The Bible and Rocket Science - How does the modern world we live in impact the way we read God’s Word? |
The Bible and Insomnia - What you expect to find when you open God’s Word may affect the role it plays in your life. |
 | I am religious, but not spiritual - In a world where “I’m spiritual, but not religious” is an increasingly common cliam, what are people missing, and why do they feel so spiritually empty? |
 | Jesus Saves ® - “They’ll know we are Christians by our. . . bumper stickers?”
 | Bible or Buzzwords? - The Scriptures used to be the very foundation of the Church. But do we even know them when we see them?
 | Who’s Filling Your Cup? - Ever feel like God’s hobby is to keep you from being happy and fulfilled? Ever try to fill your own cup?
 | Seinfeld and Solemnity - A meditation on the messiness of the Christian faith.
 | St. Jack - Jesus is the Prince of Peace. So what does that make me?
 | We Need a Pandemic - In our techno-savvy world, every message seems to spread with lightning speed into every corner of the world. . . except the most important message.